HullBreach Studios Ltd.
AI Models

HBS Labs

Welcome to the HullBreach Studios Labs, where we share several projects in a variety of areas of technology. As projects mature, we will make several of them available for public use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Artificial Intelligence Models:

This area consists of several machine learning models to use in projects. As we incorporate new versions of the models into our own apps, we make some of the previous ones available for download as is. These models are not end-to-end solutions, so additional development will be needed to make use of their inputs and outputs.

If we do not offer a format you need, several third-party tools exist for converting between formats. (We have not tested these for our ML models, and there is no guarantee formats will convert correctly.)

Application Programming Interfaces:

These are a subset of the JSON-based Web services used by HullBreach Studios to connect between our own products. They span several genres of products, including games, utilities, and social media.

Software Development Kits:

These are software tools originally built for HullBreach Studios projects but released for anyone to use.