HullBreach Studios Ltd.
AI Models

Artificial Intelligence

Precious Metals Word Tagger PRODUCTION


This machine learning model tags English natural language queries relating to precious metals, quantities, weights, purities, and currencies. It handles a broad variety of units across geographical regions and time periods and can infer a variety of additional ones from context. It has support for metals, units, and currencies, in common formats (e.g. symbols, slangs, full names, etc.). This model can serve as a step in the process of developing a simple chatbot, as has been incorporated into HullBreach Studios' Loot Flipping. This initial version of the ML model was release with Loot Flipping Pro v6.0.0 in July 2024. (Later releases added support for more currencies and refined training data in both Loot Flipping Pro and Loot Flipping Lite.).


Trained Labels

Formatting and Samples

Usage (Swift)

import NaturalLanguage

let inputText = ""

if let mlModel = try? MetalSpot(configuration: MLModelConfiguration()).model,
	let metalSpotModel = try? NLModel(mlModel: mlModel) {

	let tagger = NLTagger(tagSchemes: [NLTagScheme("PriceBot")])
	tagger.string = inputText.lowercased()
	tagger.setModels([metalSpotModel], forTagScheme: NLTagScheme("PriceBot"))

	let tags = tagger.tags(in: inputText.startIndex..<inputText.endIndex, unit: .word, scheme: NLTagScheme("PriceBot"), options: [.omitWhitespace, .omitPunctuation, .joinContractions]).map({ tag, range in

		return ["word": String(inputText[range]), "tag": tag?.rawValue ?? ""]

	}).filter({ $0["tag"] != "NONE" })

Navajo Language Translation IN-DEVELOPMENT


This project contains three components: the tokenizer, the parts-of-speech tagger, and the lexicon.

As this project advances in development, we will release the tokenizer, model, and lexicon, as an open source Swift Package so that the project can be enhanced by native speakers and linguistic experts. We will also provide a free iOS app to demonstrate this toolchain's capabilities. For further details and to support this project, check out Patreon.


Formatting and Samples

Currency Exchange Rate IN-DEVELOPMENT


This model tags two currencies and a quantity for one of those currencies to determine exchange rate conversion.


Formatting and Samples